Natural colors in carpets

Natural color


There are different ways in coloring threads and this is also considered an art. Some methods can be accomplished in one day for one color while for others the process can be as long as four days. Dyeing in indigo can last at least two weeks. Natural colors are definitely the best, this is because they give the threads a natural sheen. Various types of dye are used to obtain different colors from plants and animals, as described below:

BLUE from indigo, a plant in the pea family

RED from madder root and ladybugs.

YELLOW from saffron, the climbing plant or pomegranate

GREEN from indigo and the climbing plant, pomegranate peel or mixing blue and yellow

BROWN from the nutshell

ORANGE from henna + madder root

BEIGE from walnut shell and pomegranate peel

BLACK from indigo and henna



Natural colors in carpets


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